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Beach School

"The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." - Jaques Yves Cousteau

Offering a glorious natural learning environment and huge amounts of fun, Prebendal’s younger children benefit enormously from our official status as a Beach School.

Enthusiastically embraced by pupils and central to our outdoor education philosophy, as a school we take full advantage of ready access to swathes of glorious coastline. Relishing the freedom and space to explore natural resources and absorb multi-sensory experiences, children learn about the rhythms of nature, marine ecosystems, tides, coastal weather and how life operates on and around the beach itself.

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Beach School also provides a superb ‘classroom’ for cross-curricular projects. Enabling us to expand on particular subjects, the environment also inspires young imaginations and supports the development of life skills including intelligent risk-taking, collaboration, communication, perseverance and resilience.

Aiming to develop responsible citizens with a lifelong appreciation of the natural world, our wonderful Beach School enables us to do just that – and more.

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“Beach School is a fantastic way for children to grow in confidence and self-esteem away from the classroom.” Head, Alison Napier

Our Fees

The Prebendal offers small classes, musical excellence and a city location in the heart of Chichester. And, don't forget our range of scholarships and bursaries, as well as our comprehensive wraparound care...
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