Nurturing Potential
The Academic Support Department aims to enable all our pupils achieve their full academic potential, and to ensure that no child's progress is curtailed.
There is recognition that any child, including the very able and highly intelligent individuals, may require support. We aim to help every pupil realise their full potential.
All pupils at The Prebendal School are given a secure classroom environment in which they can feel at ease in displaying their ability. They are able to relax and have fun. They experience challenge and are given the confidence to ask searching questions in the knowledge that they can rely on a considered response and a respectful discussion.
Our pupils learn how to take risks in their learning, accomodating success and failure in a climate of success. The Prebendal School is steeped in history, nestling in the shadow of the cathedral yet with an outlook firmly fixed on the future. It has a distinctive ethos, a sense of ambition and a genuinely holistic approach. There is a refreshing balance between academic challenge and the determination to equip young people with the skills and character to make a difference in the world. We want our pupils to leave with a strong moral compass and the values to light their path.
We strive to do things differently. Everyone is encouraged to value the power of connection and relationships. The American educator Rita Pearson believed that “Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” At The Prebendal School, we encourage pupils to discover their talents and to develop their passions. We believe every pupil should enjoy their learning in the classroom but should also be actively encouraged to find their niche beyond the academic curriculum, be it on the stage, on the river, on the sports pitch or through our Pathways.
This is not an academic hot-house; outstanding results are achieved through inspiration.