Pelicans FAQs
At Pelicans, we encourage active imaginations and creative expression. Our qualified teachers ensure that every child's interests and needs are catered for, and every child has the opportunity to develop at their own pace.
If you are interested in a place for your child, please contact us.
When is the earliest my child can start at Pelicans?
The earliest they can start is the term in which they turn two years old. For example, if their birthday is in the November, they can start in the September.
Can I put my child down for a Nursery place at any time?
Yes, if your child isn't old enough yet to join Pelicans you can still get in touch with us and come and have a tour. You may also like to come along to our Toddler Group which takes place on Wednesday mornings during term-time.
Are the Nursery sessions flexible?
Yes, attendance at Pelicans is flexible. We offer a range of sessions from 7am until 7pm to suit busy family lives and give parents plenty of choice. Pop across to our Hours & Fees page to take a look.
How do I get in and out of the school?
Access is via a biometric system so anyone who is authorised to pick up or drop off children has their 'fingerprint' recorded. This enables access via the school gates at specific times.
What about parking?
There are a number of options available to parents and once you join the School, you should display a Prebendal car sticker to make use of these options. You can park outside the School on West Street for 10 minutes in the public parking bays (not the unauthorised bays). Parking is also available outside County Hall from 8am until 8:30am. Our playing fields car park is open from 8:05am until 8:35am, and from 3:10pm until 4:40pm. You can also park alongside County Hall in the barrier car park from 4pm.
What's the next step?
Please get in touch by emailing head@prebendalschool.org.uk or calling the school office on 01243 772220.